A prolific data scientist and researcher
As a leader on the data science field, Claudia Perlich, has over 50 scientific publications and a few patents in the area of machine learning.
Becoming famous
Once you read Claudia’s accomplishments, it becomes evident that she’s passionate and dedicated to the data science field. Taken from her LinkedIn, she expresses that: “[her] claim to fame was winning data mining competitions, as well as several awards from industry and academia”. One of the biggest lessons we can take from her data science journey is to keep participating in data events.
Professional and academic journey
She joined Two Sigma as a Senior Data Scientist previously coming from Dstillery, where she served as a Chief Scientist.
As a research staff member in the Data analytics Research Group at the IBM Watson Research Center, she led teams that competed successfully in KDD Data Mining Competitions, designed and executed wallet/opportunity estimation models for IBM Sales using quantile regression.
She has worked on almost anything from Twitter, DNA, server logs, CRM data, web usage, breast cancer, movie rating, and many more.
Additionally, she holds a Ph.D. in Information Systems from Stern School of Business, New York University were she is currently an Adjunct Professor.
Leading thrhough conferences
She enjoys speaking engagements around the topics of AI, ML, Data Science Applications and Data Science Education.
If you want to know more about her work, check out her site or follow her at Twitter.